Thursday, May 19, 2011

At the train tracks with my buddy....

Beautiful Day

Well I finally am rid of Tami! That feels so great... She is such a damaged and terrible person. Now her boyfriend JR has been calling us and telling us more terrible things about her and I told him to get as far away from her as possible, he tells me they broke up but I don't think they did. Oh well, so what, his life is not my problem and now her life is not my problem. They are perfet for eachother, they can slowly destroy one another.
So that's my update on Tami and hopefully the last time I have to speak of her.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pictures by RYDER

Nice day today!

Saturday...Me and Ryder slept in until 9:00 and it felt great. No more cleaning old houses, no more cleaning out yucky apartments. Bryan is all out of his rental. And I got rid of Tami and the apartment. She did call yesterday and yelled at me all about her problems that I caused. Well I let her have it! and it felt GOOD! I am done with her forever. Whoo Hooo!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Had a good day at work, even tho all my fish have died over that past two weeks. I am now done with fish and I made my aquarium into a terrarium.. It looks really cool.
Spent a few hours helping Bryan clean out the old house. Lots and lots of stuff but he is getting closer. It will be nice for him to be all done, then he can concentrate on working on his new house.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

Had a nice quiet Easter dinner... with all the Tami business going on, it's hard to relax. She is in a mental hospital after attempted suicide. And then the apartment calls me and says her boyfriend and his friends have been escorted off the property. So that leaves me with the cleaning . And the place was a sick mess. Words can not explain it. Went over Sunday morning to clean and Sunday evening. Much more to do.
But the worst part of the day was looking at my niece's Easter photos on facebook at my Mother In Law's house and seeing that Matt and Lesely were there. Talk about a knife in my back. I don't know what the hell is going on, but why would she invite them without letting us know. I would have loved to have seen MY son that I badly miss. But no, she had to go behind our backs. And of course we couldn't go over, because of the Tami mess. But I would have made the time to go over just to see Matt...
Damn I just don't understand why this is all happening. If it wasn't for Ryder and Bryan I would sell my house and go live far away in the woods and never shower again. Sometimes your own family can just become too much. What is wrong with me and why is this all happening????

Friday, April 22, 2011


The sun is shining and I'm staying home today! Yipeee.... I think I will take a nice long shower. Get dressed of course. Clean up my kitchen table. Get ready for Easter Sunday Dinner. And then I will clean the floors. Put things away. And all the while I will be listening to Alan Jackson!
Then when Ryder comes over this afternoon we will go outside, he can ride his trike and I just might do some weeding. Also need to clean front deck, we had bird feeders out all winter and now the deck is full of bird poop. The birds keep coming back and they can't find any food but the still poop everywhere!
What a FANTASTIC Friday!

Oh had a great dinner last night with Jackie at a new place in Lacey. It was great to talk to Jackie, I miss seeing her everyday. She always gave me great advice and she always listens and never ever judges me. Now that's a great friend!